Sector inPortugal

Portugal is such an attractive place to invest in the agricultural sector ​

Mediterranean climate, with warm and sunny summers

Cool breeze from the Atlantic coast

Availability of water resources

Quality of agricultural products


Diversity and variety

The soils are very diverse and offer a variety of options, with different possibilities, for agricultural use. The Tajo river basin is dominated by podzolic brown soils, on the left side, and luvisoles and cambisols, on the right side. It is mainly fertile soils that present small gentle slopes.

Proximity of Lisbon

The proximity of Lisbon is also important, which makes this region one of the most competitive in the production of fruits and vegetables. In fact, for many decades the valley of the Tagus River (Ribatejo) and the western region (closer to the sea) have been the most productive agricultural regions of Portugal, with many of the best agricultural farms in the country.

Weather & Crops

Amazing weather

Portugal has a Mediterranean climate characterized by hot, dry summers and cold and wet winters. The average annual temperature varies between 7 ° C in the interior highlands of central Portugal and 18 ° C on the south coast.

Main crops

The most representative Portuguese agricultural products in exports differ from those observed if we consider the area of ​​production. In terms of exports, wine is the most important product.
Regarding the area of ​​production, olive oil is the most cultivated product, with almost twice the viticultural area.

For aditional informations see investment guide below

open guide